Hugh, according to Darrell, is practically knee deep in his beloved baby chucks ……….
……. not the very best of timing what with Hugh preparing to entourage with his good friend Sir Elt of John, thank goodness he has his “Man What Does” to take care of all his precious babies while he is away.
When they are inside and all in one place, it isn’t too onerous a task……
…… but once they are released to roam free, it’s a very different story, especially when they need to be corralled into the safely of their coop at the end of the day …….
…….. a thing, Hugh exclaimed, that Mosquito Meg was undoubtedly a total stranger too ……..
…… despite what she told Opera ……
……. and as for the poop, well, Mosquito's chucks probably have to wear weird nappies of a poultry designed type nature…….. miawowwwwww, Hugh! What is he like?
You had me Googling "Mosquito Meg", which had a few options:
First on the list was Meg Baird on YouTube singing "Mosquito Hawks."
Next up was Mosquito Meg: Mosquito Spray.
Third was Peter Allen's children's book "Meg the Mystic Mosquito."
Then Mosquito pattern by Meg Myers - for making out of lace.
I decided that, with Iris and Bertie, it must be the book. Although, who knows about Darrell and his lace-making skills.
Oh I say, it's all going on! JantheFan x
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