Hugh and Darrell spent their last afternoon together potting up all Hugh’s excess hen and chick succulents……
…… another activity organised by Hugh’s “Man What Does” to help keep Hugh grounded and normal ……
…… before he finally embarks for his entourage tour with Sir Lord of Elt.
“It wouldn’t hurt Sir to get a bit of dirt under his finger nails” he said.
……. even though he then had to book Hugh’s local manicurist of choice to come over to repair his ravaged cuticles, do a quick fill and bring out and accentuate his faded lunula!
Then, it really was time to bid a fond farewell, both friends with much adventure on their minds ……
…… thanking goodness for the likes of Zoom and Skype to help them keep in touch, until, that is, when they can be together again ……..
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
I assume a lunula is the white moon-shaped part of the finger nail next to the cuticle.
Hugh is off on an amazing adventure with Reg! I can't see Hugh being able to stay grounded, at all, but it will be exciting and interesting!
Oh the showbiz stories that loom....I'm all ears. JantheFan x
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