Thursday, 22 September 2022

Best Not To Tell Nigel ....... or Darrell ……..

We seem to have some sort of mahoooosive praying mantis type creature, with scarily long testicles tentacles antenna, preying praying next to the door of our communal entrance.


I quickly came to the decision that it might be wise to keep such a discovery to myself ………


….. as undoubtedly Nigel will want to keep it as an unusual pet and Darrell will have an attack of the vapours on sight, be it left peacefully where it is, or dare I say, kept hostage captive in Nigel’s bedroom.


What are they both like?


Mr.D said...

Hopefully it will be saying its prayers somewhere else, when Nigel or Darrell have to go by that way. Otherwise, is there any way you can spin a yarn, to get them to leave via the window? Or, what about a ruse, so you can leave with them blindfolded?

Good luck with these.

Or can the lovely Kata or the gardeners do something about it?

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness - beautiful creature that it is - hope it has found a way out by now.... JantheFan x