Monday, 29 August 2022

Cry FREEDOM …………

Look out world ……. we’re FREE, unfettered, unshackled, unrestricted and unrestrained with three untainted, negative results this morning! We’re unfectious, it was emotional and yes, there were tears.


Nigel was first to flee the nest …………. to feel the sun on his face, and take the hot summer air into his lungs, yelling “FREEDOM” so loud, as he left, that it startled all the birds, in all the surrounding trees, to take flight, resulting in something not unreminiscent of a scene from The Birds, what is he like?


We’re not sure where he’s gone or how long he’ll be, but before he left Darrell promised him a mahooosive celebratory pizza for his tea, with all his favourite toppings, pepperoni, bacon, bbq chicken, peppers, mushrooms, red onion, spinach, sausage, ham, pineapple, chorizo, spicy beef plus four cheeses all nestling on a bbq sauce and homemade base  ……….


………. he’ll be back!


Mr.D said...

"We’re unfectious." Great news that you are all disinfected!

That pizza sounds great. That is one huge list of toppings.

Anonymous said...

Yeah-so glad you can all go out now. Enjoy your freedom!
