Before and during every school run Nigel always has high hopes that he’ll find something interesting or useful to break up the now, all too familiar, trek home.
To be honest, the walk has been pretty lack lustre since the start of the school year, but yesterday, fingers crossed, things began to look up when they found a box of apples going free on the wall outside one of the houses.
Well, who doesn’t need an extra boost of fresh vitamin C as the autumn starts to take hold, not to mention it looking most rude not to avail oneself of such a generous offer.
So the little band of “Merry Men” took one apple each to crunch, in between all their natterings, for the rest of their journey.
Nigel said that they were very lovely apples indeed, crisp and sweet, and they were all hoping the box would still be there tomorrow and perhaps now their barren run of “discovery” was finally about to get started!