Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Another Find For Nigel …….

Yesterday, on the school run, sur la pont d’Evesham, Nigel spotted a rather fetching dinosaur and a cat or hamster ball (?) ……..


…… obviously put in said prominent position in the hope that its rightful owner, or parent, would retrace their steps and so jubilantly reclaim them.


It has to be said that Nigel always worries when he comes across such a lost toy, knowing how he would feel if it happened to his beloved niece and nephew …….and it preys on his mind 


However, it looks like this story ended quite quickly and hopefully happily when Nigel saw that both the dinosaur and ball had gone by the time he walked past again later in the day …….. so no need for a fretful, picked at tea, followed by an equally fretful slumber.  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Nigel is a caring and empathetic young monkey.

As the Bard wrote; "All's Well That Ends Well."

Anonymous said...

Pleased the dinosaur found his cave or new home or old home - always a good thing. JantheFan x