Evesham is no stranger to the pleasures of the circus, there always seems to be one coming or going, as the hundreds of flyers plastered all over any available space in town will attest. ………
……. however, after all these years, we are still to pay a visit ……..
…….. mainly due to our unbridled fear/mistrust of clowns or rampant clownophobia as Nigel likes to put it.
They just give us the total creeps. This one, at first sight doesn’t look all that bad, but what’s really going on behind that “innocent” wide eyed smile and what’s with the unsavoury looking nose? The playful tousled hair and simple sideways look doesn’t fool us either, clowns can’t be trusted, they are unpredictable and somehow too spookily malevolent for our liking, leaving us on edge. All that shouting, running amok in huge shoes and silly tricks generally of a water based nature ……..it’s not for us I am afraid.
However, one person who did spike Nigel’s curiosity on the poster was the man in the top hat, starry vest and blue cloak (?) …….
…….. he swears blind he’s seen him before, several times in fact, on his very favourite posters of a wrestling type persuasion ……..coming to the conclusion that the circus is likely to be said persons summer job, with his love for the ring being the common denominator. What on earth is he like?
Oh, dear. Poor Nigel.
The fear of clowns is known as coulrophobia. Here endeth today's lesson.
Well spotted young Nige! Interesting observation - I doubt many will know that!
So Mr D - coulrophobia, I'll remember that for the next pub quiz - not that I go attend pub quizzes but you never know one day....JantheFan x
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