Thursday 27 January 2022

An Unfortunate Turn Of Phrase Perhaps?

Nigel did a double, nay triple take as he perused the community noticeboard in the A-Plan Insurance shop window in town the other day ……..


Was it him ……….


……. or did it sound like ….. if you whiff a bit, Steph was the woman, to hopefully, through BodyShop at Home products, turn your problem around and put you on the right tracks to alleviating any malodourous pong you might have about you?  He was a little confused.


However, as Nigel wouldn’t even dream of leaving The Towers without a cheeky wee sniff test, it’s very doubtful he’ll be getting in touch with the said Steph. He has quite an impressive  wardrobe of masculine shower products, almost surgical cleaning utensils and manly fragrance ……  as guided by Darrell’s expert tutorage. There are, how shall I put it delicately  ……… no flies on Nigel! 

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

No need for anyone in The Towers to call on Steph.

I'm sure Darrell has good advice for everyone, regarding soap, shampoo and all such things.