Friday 17 February 2023

An Abundant Day For Seasonal Findings?

On Wednesday, it has to be said that quite a few of Nigel’s  “happen upons” along the school run, were of a seasonal nature …….


……. to wit, mostly, but not exclusively, singular gloves ……..


…….. plus ……..


……. a supermarket basket, most probably from Lidl which is just down the road from where it was abandoned ………


…… and then there were two mysterious boxes in the shape of books, one was beyond salvageable, but the other he did decide to avail himself of and save from the rain,  to show Darrell, (more of which, perhaps, in a following post?)  …….


…… and then finally, an optimistic looking soft toy, hoping, no doubt, to be reunited with it’s little owner.   I think this must have been Nigel’s greatest tally of lost items ever in one day, but the spooky thing was every single one of them had gone by the next day when he was off on the Thursday run, ………


……. when Iris and Bertie, in turn, were absolutely thrilled to “find” that Uncle Nigel had bought some of Darrell’s freshly baked, mini sausage rolls to snack upon on the final leg home.  A case of swings and roundabouts I suppose!


Mr.D said...

That is one huge amount of lost items. Let's hope they were all found by their owners.

When we were young, our gloves and mitts were on a long cord, which was threaded along both sleeves and round our backs. It was much more difficult to lose said gloves and mitts.

Anonymous said...

What a n interesting collection of finds, the best is definitely the sausage rolls.


Anonymous said...

Poor lost toy, hope he found his way home or was adopted by a kind and loving family....and oh don't those sausage rolls look scrummy yummy. Eat your hearts our Greggs! JantheFan x