Thursday 9 February 2023

Nigel, Always Appreciative Of A Good, Seasonal Window Display

It has to be said that the emporiums of Evesham aren't exactly rampant with window displays of a Valentine type nature ………..


……. despite it being regarded as the most romantic of months …….


……. however, if there is one to be found, you can bet that the little fella will find and absorb it and then mentally award it points.


So far, the florist up at the top of the town, by the post office has got his full “douze points” with, in his expert opinion, “It’s romance personified confection” ………


He informs us that it’s got just the right number of red roses in amongst a subtle blanket of greenery, interspersed with faux cupcakes and a few suitable gifts that could possibly say “love” to the right person,  pots, (but no pans),  photo frames, various heart shaped accoutrements,  wooden ducks with bows, soft toys etc.  ……..  


……. and then, right bang, slap in the middle of it all is a cellophane daubed, crinoline, wicker mannequin lady who simply oozes seasonal sophistication ……..


….. which when all put together, in his eyes, is something quite beguiling!  Well done Louise’s Florist, Nigel is a hard and discerning fellow to please as far as his windows are concerned! 


What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Well done Louise’s Florist! You have certainly impressed young Nigel. I wonder what Darrell or Hugh, with his London tastes, would think of it.

Anonymous said...

I've sent a little email to Louise at her shop with a link to your blog post about her display. I think she deserves to see this delightful review, if it hasn't already been brought to her attention.
JantheFan x