Not entirely on an Easter chocolatey type nature, but when Darrell spied a lone bar of Milky Bar Gold in amongst the confectionary boxes of our beloved Home Bargains, it would have been remiss, not to mention incredibly rude, not to bring it home with him, especially when Milky Bar is our all time, most favouritist, white chocolate of choice in the world.
Well, you can imagine the excitement that ensued Chez Towers as Darrell walked in, proudly holding the chocolate aloft, amidst gasps of awe and wonder from Nigel and myself, as we didn’t even know that such a stupendous bar had been invented yet ……. needless to say a hasty and totally unprepared for review was immediately called.
Upon unwrapping the first thing that hit us was the unmistakable, sweet, rich caramel aroma, although the chocolate itself looked exactly the same as any other bar ……..
….. but the taste, OMG, let’s just say it certainly ticked all our white chocolate boxes in spades, but it is, perhaps, not for the faint hearted, as it is sweet, really, really sweet and very, very caramelly.
It was so glorious, that we threw caution to the wind and each far exceeded the recommended dosage serving, but we just didn’t care, reasoning that it would have been just too tempting to put back in the cupboard for another day. It would have simply beckoned to us, like a wanton confectionary siren, until it was all gone. So we were all of the same mind to enjoy all of its pleasures in one fell, but considered swoop.
So our score on the new Milky Bar Gold is an perfect and unanimous Eurovisional douze points on our world famous Richter Scale of Noms. It’s absolutely lovely, with Darrell sent back to the aforementioned Home Bargains like Oliver Twist to ask if they have any more! What are we like, if not a little obsessed at the moment.
Milky Bar is a favourite of mine too and I haven’t seen this new variation so I’ll be searching the shops in Southport this weekend after reading your review!!
It is indeed a taste sensation! I love white chocolate, and at the weekend my daughter made me a very posh hot white chocolate drink with her even posher hotel chocolate machine. I am undone and now need one in my life lol!
As I have previously mentioned, I've never been a fan of white chocolate - sorry Milky Bar Kid.
Give me Cadbury's Dairy Milk, and time.
I hunted down a bar after reading your review boyz and Tesco kindly delivered. It was an unusual taste especially with it being the same colour but different taste - I enjoyed it - but have to say - I still prefer the original, but the caramel one is always a good alternative. JantheFan x
My favourite bar until they made the flavour weaker in the lighter coloured packaging
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