Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Very Tenuous Spooky Links …… Or The Workings Of An Over Fertile Imagination …….

I think Nigel was just the teensiest bit jealous when Darrell returned home in quizzical mood from his early morning walk yesterday, saying that he didn’t want to tread on the little fellas toes or anything, as he is  usually the one to “finds” things on his travels ……..


…… but he, himself, had stumbled upon a couple of objects, that had caused him to ponder in an Nigelesque type fashion. First, there was a feather and a pen found eerily together, which he wondered was, perhaps, a spooky type of late, great Derek Acorah (RIP) message from the celestial plains, telling him that he ought to be writing……..


This, in turn,  was swiftly followed by the discovery a rather nice but random, singular, pleather dining chair ………


Well, it would have been rude not to avail himself of the opportunity for just a minute or two as his feet were rather tired and he was at least another forty minutes away from The Towers.  It was comfortable, the legs didn’t wobble or rock, the woodwork was in good order, no scratches or donks, as was the aforementioned pleather seat and back ………


So, who had put it there and why? Questions I am afraid we may never know the answer to  ……. unless, perhaps, the feather and pen really was a “sign” and if Darrell went back for the pen at least and attempted some automatic writing …….. all the answers would be revealed and in the process another story for Fate and Fortune magazine born!  Oh good grief, sometimes I think both he and Nigel have too over fertile an imagination, especially when they are left alone on their various wanderings ……… heaven help me with what they come across next!


Mr.D said...

A feather and a pen - both writing implements.

In Mexican Spanish, the word for pen is pluma, which happens to also be the word for feather. Etymologically speaking, the English word plumage comes from the same root, as the Latin word for feather is also pluma.

Here endeth today's lesson.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the chair was to sit on to write too - now all you need to find is a table/desk and the message should be coming through loud and clear - sit ye downeth and write! JantheFan x

p.s. Thank you Mr D for your pearls of wisdom!