Tuesday 15 February 2022

A Dagger Through The Heart .........

Yesterday, the school run turned out to be the day Nigel had perhaps dreaded most as a diligent and much devoted uncle, when Iris ran out of school in buoyant mood, saying that Harley had told her that he had put, or “snook” as Nigel described, something in her backpack ……. not able to contain herself until they got home, Iris’s backpack was duly opened, there and then ………


…… to reveal a wonderous pink necklace and bracelet with huge heart pendant and charm. Iris, at this stage, according to Nigel, was “all aglow with excitement”, but Nigel, despite the outward appearance of surprise and joy at being witness to such a lovely and generous gift, said (dramatically), that he felt as if a dagger had been thrust into his heart. 


WHO was this HARLEY?


When Nigel got back to The Towers, I quickly administered hot chocolate and Hob Nobs to help calm the little fella down, reassuring him that this was just Iris’s (and for that matter Nigel’s) very first taste of playground puppy love ……. and no, I definitely did not think that any questions needed to be asked in Parliament!


No one ever told him that being an uncle would not be without it’s “moments”.  I feel his pain!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Nige -Fear not - if this young man is not ashamed to express his feelings to a young lady by the giving of a precious gift then this bodes well. A rare, thoughtful young man indeedy! JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

How wonderful, for Iris! Not so, for poor Nigel.

I don't think that it is a genuine pink diamond, unfortunately.