Friday 4 February 2022

Spooked On The School Run

Nigel is still very much spooked by the random triggering of the sensor light in his and Darrell’s bedroom ………. and yesterday the school run didn’t help one iota when ………


…….. as the little fella was nonchalantly walking past a fallen street sign …….


…… something caught his eye, that made him do a double take and take a sharp intake of breath……..

spooky crisps

….. it was a tiny, weeny spectre of a ghost, that sort of, he said, appeared to be winking up at him, which only then went on to further convince him that he might be a unknowing and unwilling vortex to beyond the realms of the unknown!  Stuff and nonsense,  I have had to tell him in no uncertain terms to pull himself together and that it was nothing but a cheap, novelty crisp, no ifs or buts ……. and to pull himself together and eat less cheese!


Some times I despair of his (and Darrell’s) susceptible  and over imaginative type imaginations!


Mr.D said...

Well said, Monkey. Good luck trying to keep Nigel's very active imagination in check, in particular.

Anonymous said...

Oh a good imagination ... I think young Nige needs to write a book. JantheFan x p.s. I had to contact my local council recently as I found a similar item, along with a sandbag, left lying in a street after some roadworks. It was exactly the same position as Nigel's. I didn't see any ghosts winking at me. There could be something in this young Nige....never mind it being just a crisp....