Tuesday 1 February 2022

Untoward Nocturnal Goings On …… Of A Sensory Light Type Nature

We have a sensory light in Darrel and Nigel’s bedroom for “night wees” when Iris and Bertie stay over, if we were writing an Amazon review we could say that “…..it is indeed sensitive to movement and so does the job!”

movement senor light IMG_0340

However, the other night Darrell and Nigel were palpably, tangibly, as well as robustly spooked, when although the whole of The Towers was still, nothing stirring, the light was triggered “by something unseen” at least four or five times.  Neither was brave enough to actually get up to investigate, so instead just clung to each other until they eventually fell asleep, convinced some sort of entity was within our midst.


In the morning, recanting their “tale of unknown terror”, I told them that logically there was probably a very simple explanation, to wit, the batteries needed changing. This indeed seemed sensible, however they still weren’t 100% convinced, so in order to rule out the presence of any roaming, lost spirits I have had to sleep in their room and they in mine, while I check to see if anything untoward should manifest on my watch.  What on earth are they like?


Needless to say, nothing happened, zilch, rien de la plume!   The light triggered only when I needed to visit the bathroom, as per its function.  With Nigel having convinced himself that he must be some sort of vortex to the nether regions, I had to firmly tell both of them to pull themselves together, as I changed all four batteries in front of them. Needless to say there have been no further nocturnal occurrences and everyone is back in their proper bed, nuff said!


Mr.D said...

So, no need to try and contact the late Derek Acorah?

All is well.

Anonymous said...

Oh you got me there, I thought maybe the late and great Derek Acorah had, 'paid a visit'. JantheFan x