Friday 11 February 2022

Not As Good As The Olden Days …..

Since Nigel has been a “Helping Hand” at Iris and Bertie’s school he has noticed something that has quite taken the wind out of his sails ……..

School Paper Towels

……. to wit, the quality of paper towels has gone down substantially since our halcyon days at The Girls High School.


What he now has to dry his hands on, he says, are thin, flimsy and a sorry shadow of those he used to use six or so years ago.

School Paper Towels..

He’s taken it very much to heart, forget about who had a party at No.10 and partook in cheese, wine and/or cake, questions about the state of paper towels in our schools today need to be asked in Parliament.  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Oh, dear. Poor Nigel.

Maybe it is a false economy, because you have to use far more to dry your hands. (Being primates, like us, monkeys have hands, not paws. Here endeth today's lesson.)

Perhaps Nigel could get Tom the Scientist's help to do some maths, to show that they are better off getting better-quality ones. TtS could show Nigel how to use spreadsheets at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Times have changed...nothing is as it was before...before what I do not know but I want it all back....JantheFan x