Wednesday 2 February 2022

Nigel Finds ……….. A Source Of Motivation.

The charity shop at the end of our road is currently closed due to “staff illness” which is sad in itself and also because it’s a bit of a mooching spot when Nigel is on the school run ……


And also, sadly, despite several very clear notices on the window and door, people are still leaving their unwanted stuff outside.


Yesterday, Nigel found this motivational canvas left outside, such a pity as it could have raised valuable funds, as well as  adding a little something to someone’s interior décor, but was now destined to be simply taken willy nilly or  put in the bin! However, before disappeared Nigel totally embraced the sentiment ………. 


……. because just the thought of one of Darrell’s full, robust and comprehensive weekend English breakfasts really does put a skip in the little fella’s step of a Saturday morning  and changes his whole outlook for the whole day.  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

What a shame about the items left outside.

A full, nay comprehensive English breakfast. You have got my mouth watering!

Mr.D said...

P.S. If you monkeys would like two months with Christmas decorations, you could re-institute an old Mexican tradition. On 2nd February Mexicans dress dolls of baby Jesus and take them to the church. Apparently this is unique to here.

It commemorates Candlemas, which is said to be the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. In Mrs. D's grandparents' time, they left up the decorations until this date - forty days after 25th December, and not your usual twelve days of Christmas.

Some photos:

You can get dolls of saints and archangels, too. Their faces all look remarkably similar. :)

Mr.D said...

You get baby Jesus dressed up as many different occupations.

Farmer Jesus:

Covid Jesus:

Footballing Jesus:

There are more irreverent ones, as well.

Freddy Mercury Jesus:

Joker Jesus:

Mrs. D tells me that this is Thundercats Jesus:

Barbie, in her various guises, has nothing on this baby.

SeasideKaren said...

Thank you Mr D, I’ve never heard of this tradition until you enlightened me….although I must say, looking at those pictures, baby Jesus would give me nightmares and looks more like something from a horror movie!! It’s a lovely tradition though, but I’d have to get myself a much less scary doll!

Mr.D said...

My pleasure, Yorkshire Karen. The dolls are rather disturbing. On the news last night, on man had both arms full of dressed-up dolls. He must have had about eight of them, ready to get blessed.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Mr D - those dolls are really quite fantastic in so many ways. I'm off for a good English and a little think to myself. JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

JtF, I'm pleased that you like them.

I hope you had a great full English breakfast, too.