Tuesday 8 February 2022

Darrell’s Guilty Pleasure – Spam Fritters

Darrell came back from Iceland yesterday (the store not the country), looking a touch sheepish ……..

Spam Fritters 6

…….. he’d only gone for half a dozen eggs, sweet chilli sauce, fish fingers and a lettuce, but then ………

Spam Fritters 5

…… he said, a humungous waft of nostalgia swept over him recalling his school dinners of yore, when he spotted a pack of Spam Fritters in amongst one of the cabinets.

Spam Fritters 7

He then felt he had to make another purchase, despite it not being on his list, he couldn’t help himself, he JUST had to have them! What is he like?

Guilty Pleasures

And then he couldn’t wait until teatime, because as soon as he got home, one was in the oven with vigorous and robust haste. He offered to share, but I declined such pleasures and Nigel was on the school run.

Spam Fritters 1

Served on, what Darrell calls his favourite  “Queen Anne plate” for reasons best known to himself, I could see his hands visibly shaking as he cut into, in his eyes, this most illustrious of snacks.

Spam Fritters 2

I believe, said fritter did not disappoint! 

Spam Fritters 3

A lot less greasier than the fritters back at Holy Trinity, but the batter was nonetheless generous and exceedingly crisp and satisfied this until now dormant yen.

Spam Fritters 4

……. and with three still left in the box, a pink, battered pleasure that will keep on giving for a few days longer……….


Mr.D said...

I was never a fan of Spam fritters, myself, but I am pleased that Darrell liked these ones.

Mind you, to quote from your comments page: "Sorry we are going to have to add word verification our comments section as it seems we are again being bombarded with spam!!! So if your comment doesn't come up straight away it means that our lady "that does" is going through them with a fine toothcomb, so that the spammers don't get through .....This is such a robust pain in the bottom and as such we have boycotted all SPAM comestibles in protest ..... sandwiches, fritters, fricasse etc.!!!!!!"


P.S. I assume that this is the Holy Trinity C Of E Primary School in Walsall. Correct Mrs. G?

Anonymous said...

My mother used to make her own spam fritters. Slice of spam between two slices of potato, dipped in batter and fried. They were happy days...so I too have a little nostalgia for my childhood days and memories of the six of us around the family table for tea partaking of delicious spam fritters. JantheFan x