Monday 7 February 2022

Love Is In The Air …….. ????

With February known for being the month of l’amour and Valentines Day on the horizon, Nigel’s favourite shop of a display type nature has started to preen and prepare itself, much to the little fella’s pleasure.


They do love tantalise …….


……. setting out “their table” bit by bit.  


Since these pictures were taken, according to Nigel, the faux grass has been strewn with “a million and one faux rose petals”. It’s all very romantic.


Nigel would, when the time is ready to give his heart, very much appreciate a single or even a fulsome luxury bouquet of red roses……..


…….. however, in the meantime it appears he has cast his eye on another thorny variety of flora that has set his heart all of a flutter …….


……..What on earth is he like?


Mr.D said...

"Since these pictures were taken, according to Nigel, the faux grass has been strewn with “a million and one faux rose petals”."

"A million and one faux rose petals?” How does Nigel know? Did he count them?

Is Nigel after a cactus? I eat cactus leaves almost every day. They claim nopales are good for the digestion. In English, the plant is known as prickly pear.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Mr D - I have just looked it up, young Nige, I see there are some great recipes using, 'a thorny variety of flora' as in the window...much better than a rose which will eventually wither and droop!!! JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

Make sure that you remove the spines, first, JtF!