Friday 25 February 2022

Nigel, Triumphant Once Again …….. On Finding A Marmite Tin!

Nigel is still very much on the look out for commemorative coronation or jubilee tranklements of yore for our Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea in the local charity shops of Evesham, sadly, there was nothing doing of this type nature yesterday morning when he went mooching ………. BUT ……..

Marmite Storage Tin

……. look what the little fella did find!  Only a tin emblazoned with a wonderous Marmite jar, our very most savoury spread of choice …….

Marmite Storage Tin.JPG.

You’d have thought he’d stumbled upon the holy grail, his little face beaming from ear to ear, his eyes gleaming with unfettered joy ………..

WHat A Hero

“It’s truly the most perfect ever storage vessel for our evening televisual treats” he declared, “ …..bought for the princely, but still considered sum of just £1!”

Marmite Storage Tin ...

Said tin was quickly filled with whatever comestible nibbles he could find to try it out for size…….. he was soooooooo proud!, I thought he might spontaneously combust, but I have to admit it is rather lovely!


Mr.D said...

Great find, Nigel! How did the little fella manage to get it home? I hope he doesn't decide to use it as a coracle, to get across the river to the marina.

Messing about on the river:

P.S. I hope the river hasn't flooded.

Anonymous said...

Oh How marvellous - he is a good little spotter is young you think it's because of his statur, he is nearer to objects than the average person/monkey is? Just pondering....JantheFan x