Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Going Over To The Dark Side ………

It’s a given that our very most favourite confectionary of continual choice is the Malteser and always will be, no ifs or buts.


However, just recently we’ve been asked what we think of the new infiltrator, Dark Maltesers.


We have to be honest, we don’t know ………..


…… as we just don’t like dark chocolate, not even the teeniest, tiniest, squidgiest little bit.


I think it’s a maturity sort of thing and well, we’ll admit, our palates don’t appear to be sophisticated enough to appreciate such  genre of chocolate and anyway, for us the combination of milk chocolate with a honeycomb centre is perfect, so why even mess with said perfection.


We don’t think we will ever go over to the dark side, but Darrell says we ought perhaps avail ourselves (if Home Bargains have got any) of the very smallest bag to try just in case they are a comestible revaluation (not to be confused with Revels) …….


…….. we will naturally keep you informed of any confectious probings we may decide to undertake in this matter to ensure that questions will not have to be asked in Parliament. What are we like?


Mr.D said...

Regular Maltesers are wonderful. Unfortunately, we can't get them over here.

I like dark chocolate and I like Maltesers, but I think I'll keep them well separated.

All together now. "I WANT MALTESERS, AND I WANT THEM NOW!!!"

Anonymous said...

Nooooo - don't do dark chocolate either - a little bit of Bournville if I'm pushed. The man here loves dark chocolate - the darker the better. I'm a white chocolate person really but will accept milk chocolate. Oh dear my mouth is watering already.....JantheFan x