Tuesday, 14 February 2023

A Valentine’s Day Rife With Emotion

Please forgive our late posting of this morning (sorry Mr D) but our beloved Postman Rob’s knock bought a totally unforeseen, rife and raw emotion to The Towers ………


……. in the guise of a Valentine’s card


…….. something none of us had expected …….. with the mention of Marmite on the front, our very favourite savoury spread of choice, so it was obviously from someone who knows us very well! 


However, it was the verse inside that had us almost catatonic with said raw emotion.


I tried my hardest to read it out aloud, in my best newsreaders voice, but with every line my steely resolve and voice began to crack as I began to stumble more and more over each and every word .......


..... feeling  my tears well up and the expressions on Darrell and Nigel's face start to crumble.


I struggled on to about half way mark, but then had to stop ……..


……. so that we could all try to pull ourselves together in the hope of making it through to the end.


……. but in spite of this, we were all still wrecks by the very last word.  Let's just say our tissue box hasn't had such an unfettered hammering in a long time. What are we like?


Valentine's cards are supposed to be secret, but we have a pretty shrewd idea as to who may have sent it.  What can we say, but the most mahooooooooosive “Thank You”. You'll never know how much it meant to us.


…….. even if it did wreak havoc, not only at The Towers but Mr D’s morning read in hot and torrid Mexico!

Thank you so much mystery admirer, we try our best, even when our days are pretty hum drum  ……. we’ll look to and treasure your beautiful and kind versed thoughts for inspiration and help us keep looking at this weird and wonderful world through our eyes, long, long after today (the most romantic and loving day of the year)  is over ………

                    XXX THANK YOU XXX


Anonymous said...

Oh dear - tears here with Louis Armstrong in full throttle - what a man, what a song. I wish everyone would appreciate and take care of this, wonderful, fragile world of ours.
And whoever sent you the card really appreciates all the work and words that help create a wonderful day for them.
Lots of Valentine love from JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

What a wonderful and thoughtful card.

I'm sure it isn't from Tallulah. If it were, all three monkeys would be claiming that it was for him, and him alone.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic Valentines card , definitely one to keep.
