Monday, 13 February 2023

Valentine's Eve .......

With the most romantic day of the year almost upon us and The Towers filled with the subtle whiffs and wafts of the fragrant Stacey Solomon’s Spring Roses plug in diffusers ………


……. we shall be mostly celebrating by candlelight (a sophisticated plus to our robust energy saving regime) ………


…….. with seasonally apt confectionary …………….


…….. and the quaffing of several of cans of the suitably named  “Rummantic”, as found by Darrell while perusing the shelves of our beloved Home Bargains.


Well, with a name like that, it would have looked rude not to wouldn’t it, although Darrell has also promised one or two of his own, unique, alcoholic infusions of a cocktail type nature to help set us our celebrations off with a bang!


What are we like, except the most hapless helpless of “Rummantics”? So on this wonderful Valentine's Eve, may we wish you all to be showered in love and find yourselves waste waist deep in rose petals!!!


Mr.D said...

Not long now! I hope you have a wonderful day, organising everything for the big day.

St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, and young people.

(But not of St. Valentine's Day massacres. Note to self - consider re-watching "Some Like it Hot," in which Jack Lemon describes Marilyn Monroe's walk as "like Jell-O on springs.")

Mr.D said...

What's happened? I opened the page, but February 14th hasn't happened. (For Mum's Monkey, at least.)

Did you forget to post? Did you forget to pay your internet bill? Has Nigel been playing with the modem?

Oh, no!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thought - waist deep in rose petals - more waist deep in wallpaper stipping here! I'll definitely be interested in Rummantic can on my breaks! JantheFan x

Anonymous said...

p.s - loving that candelabra - pass me a chocolate heart or three will you!