Monday, 31 May 2021

Addressing The Elephant In The Room ……..

Before we can even dream of covering our joyous rekindling with Hugh a la Chicken Coop, we have an issue of great import that needs addressing ……..


……. to wit “the disaster” that was Eurovision 2021! Null points for Le Royaume-Uni? I don’t think we will ever, ever, ever, get over it.  We know it’s happened once before in 2003, but that was, erm, sort of deserved and no surprise …….. and, admittedly, there was no way we thought we would win this year …….. BUT a resounding null points from both the esteemed Eurovision Judging Panel AND the European public vote?  We were all left reeling …… and were still reeling when we woke up the next morning ……… could it all have been a spooky dream?


Sadly no, however our sense of disbelief wasn’t just confined to our null points, but also by what won ……. Italy had been the bookies favourite, but we’d them rejected straight away to a man, as, how shall I put it delicately? Pants. We’d gone for Iceland, Malta and Norway, how wrong we were …… even Hugh, who is perhaps a little more progressive than we are, had favoured France and Lithuania, but was just as shocked as we were by the result, saying that it had cast a memorable shadow over our first night together after sooooooo long apart, but for all the wrong reasons …………


……. and promised that questions WOULD be asked in Parliament!  Our bedtime hot chocolate and Hobnob biscuits, he sighed, had never, tasted so bittersweet before ………… 

Friday, 21 May 2021

Worcester, Hugh and Eurovision Bound ……..

Well, we haven’t burst yet, however as a precaution, none of us has partaken in any breakfast this morning for fear it might make an untoward re-appearance, such is the level of our excitement.


We’re Worcester, Hugh and Eurovision bound, all packed, everything has been checked at least a dozen times by Darrell and now we are just waiting for Mellors, Hugh’s “Man What Does” to pick us up ……….


We have also decided, after a little debate, none heated and certainly not robust, that we will be taking a week off from posting, so that we can embrace fully our wonderful reunion with Hugh and Eurovision, BUT have no fear, we will be back (God willing) with all our usual effervescent gusto on Monday 31st – or if failing that by Tuesday 1st June ………..


…………. so please in the meantime stay safe xxxxxxx

P.S ……. Our tip for the top – our winner of choice for Eurovision 2021, is unequivocally and 100% Iceland  - Daði og Gagnamagnið - 10 Years……. we have even perfected all the dance moves, although our beloved nephew Bertie, who has inherited our love for all things Eurovision, is convinced that Ireland, Maps will be the victor!  We will undoubtedly see ………

Thursday, 20 May 2021

A Magnificent Wall Of Confectionary ………..

Following on from yesterday …….. our Friday afternoon trips into town to make the much considered purchase of our weekend televisual watching treats will never, ever, be the same again ………


…….. because Poundstretcher has, as Nigel has discovered ………


……. a whole magnificent wall of confectionary that stretches for as far as the eye can see at least half the length of the shop ………….


……… how on God’s green earth are we expected to choose ……. it’s all too, too, tooooooooooooooo, much ……….


………especially when they also have an equally mahoosive wall of crisps to match! With our imminent annual Eurovision stay with Hugh very much on his mind, it was a no brainer that Nigel make one or two (three, four, five, six, seven ....... oh, I give up .......) considered purchases from said magnificent wall for our stay, introducing Hugh to a few comestible delicacies that even he might not be able to find in Harolds, his go to emporium of choice when he's in London, That's yet another suitcase we need to pack then .......... happy days!

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Poundstretcher Opens In Evesham

As I said on Monday, with our annual Eurovision stay with Hugh in Worcester imminent  we are really, really, really, really trying to maintain some sort equilibrium Chez le Towers in an effort to stay calm and not spontaneously combust amidst all the mounting excitement ...... so yesterday Nigel went off to town to simply post a couple of letters but on the way up couldn’t help but notice the pumping sound of music coming from the direction of the High Street …….


…….. it all sounded very exciting …… and enticing  ……… a special event, in Evesham, on a Tuesday?


With letters hastily deposited, it would have been rude for Nigel not to investigate said music, noticing that it was coming from the old Co-Op building, heralding a take over from Poundstretcher, how brilliant is that?


Well, it would have been remiss of the little fella not to go across for a cheeky mooch wouldn’t it?  However, sadly, though he lingered, trying to look both appealing and wanting, there were no actual “free balloons” being distributed,  despite being clearly advertised ………


……… but hey ho, it would have looked churlish not to enter their portals for the lack of a free balloon. Passing under the impressive and abundant red and white balloon arch Nigel reckoned that they’d used more helium than they had a first anticipated, hence the aforementioned lack of freebies! 


Inside the new shop was massive, much, much bigger than the one that has just closed at the nearby retail park ……..


…….. with enough household cleaning, fragrance and storage type nature  to keep Darrell in the way he has always dreamed of becoming accustomed …….


……. plus many other things that Nigel didn’t even think he “needed” ……. until he saw them ……..


……. like a new lunch bag and a very fetching leopard design bedside lamp.  Yes, Evesham appears to have got itself a new mooching hole with something that will appeal to each of us ………. but there’s more …… something so stupendous that it blew poor Nigel’s mind, so much so, it deserves a separate post of its own!  Until tomorrow ……

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Maintaining Sartorial Elegance

With Eurovision and our much planned and anticipated stay with Hugh a la Chicken Coup only a few tantalising days away, Darrell thought the occassion deserved a freshening up of his wardrobe, there was no way he wanted Hugh to think that he’d let his saveloy flair savoir faire go completely to pot during three meltdowns and an unprecedented stint of home schooling ……….


However, as there was no chance of getting into Birmingham for some retail therapy of choice due to a disrupted train service following cracks being found in some of the high speed variety, Darrell decided that pre-loved, chic thrift was the way to go, a no brainer, especially as he knows exactly where the best 3 for 99p baskets are in town ……. Let’s just say they did not let him down.


So for your delectation may I present you with the timeless, cheeky red and white stripe that screams Breton through and through, giving a truly apt international flavour ………


……. followed by the unwavering and constant Primani monster look for a more casual, jokey, relaxed feel ……..


…….. and finally, my own particular favourite. the understated and enduring wild animal/jungle vibe, an homage, perhaps, to The Very Reverend Sir Lord Sir David Attenborough.

Needless to say, Darrell will not be found wanting during our stay, three shirts for just 33.3p re-occurring plus 1p for the spare change money box on the counter, the boy “dun gud”!

Monday, 17 May 2021

Trying To Maintain Calm …….

To be honest, you find us on this wonderful Monday morning, in a complete state of tangible and palpable flux …………


…….. hardly able to contain ourselves, yes, it’s Eurovision Week, which aside from Christmas and Halloween, is our next most favourite highlight of the year ………


Coming this year from Rotterdam, we have the two semi finals on Tuesday and Thursday night and then ……. the Grand Final on Saturday!  We can’t wait.


But there’s more …….. unlike last year when the whole of Europe was in lockdown, this year we are able, under the “6 under one roof” rule to return to well oiled traditions and spend, and I quote “… long as you like”  with Hugh, Darrell’s very best friend and mentor on all things a la mode and tres en trend at his Worcester bolt hole Le Chicken Coup. He is sending Mellows, his man what does, to collect us on Friday morning. Believe me, we are all in immanent danger of spontaneously combusting at any moment if we don’t calm down! 


Darrell can’t/won’t go anywhere now without his supply of brown paper bags. should he start to hyperventilate with it all.


There is sooooooo much to do, three cases to pack, gifts to wrap, plus comestible delicacies to purchase for our collective delectation, not to mention organising our entire Tuesday and Thursday evenings around said semi finals, nothing must be left to chance, however, in the meantime normal life has to go on, including the cooking, cleaning and the school run. It’s going to be soooooooooooooooooooooooo hard! 


So, if we’re not here tomorrow, you’ll probably realise it’s all got too much for us! What are we like?  


Friday, 14 May 2021

Witney and The BGs Visit The Towers

This morning we were all of a flurry because we had visitors ……….


……. of the feathered persuasion ……….


…... a female and two very attentive male companions.


Naturally, us being us, they had to have names, so after much light hearted debate the female shall henceforth be known as Witney and seeing as she had two bodyguards, we decided to call them collectively The BGs, (for body guard) because of the din they were making.


We’ve had a lot of visitors to the garden over the years, but never ducks ………


…….. so it was all very, very emotional.


What are we like?

Thursday, 13 May 2021

We’re Done ……. Fully Facilitated

Yesterday morning, on the stroke of noon,  was a truly blessed in a Hello Magazine Special Addition type way moment ….. we’d had “The Call” and found ourselves walking down  to the Riverside Medical Centre to receive our Covid injection Part Deux.


We’ve now all been wonderfully tazered Pfizered and are completely facilitated vaccinated. It was emotional, very emotional.


Nigel went in first  …….. his sleeve rolled up and left arm eagerly proffered, he wasn’t too worried, he said, if he felt a little prick or a big prick, just so long as he got done.


He took it, he said, like a man …………


Sadly, there were no “I’ve been a brave boy” stickers, but the nurse told Nigel that he had been her most favourite patient by far that day as he’d made her laugh out loud, after he’d joked that if he was in for a big prick, could he possibly have  one of her spare cotton wool balls to bite on to muffle any noise he might inadvertently make and then asked if he’d need a sling ……. something he’s always had a long felt want for.


What is he like? I have to admit that Darrell and I did wonder what all the raucous laughter was coming from the other end of the corridor when Nigel came to join us in the 15 minute waiting room afterwards.


So, as I said, we’re all done ………hopefully it’s onwards and upwards from here on in ………. happy days!

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Pure Gym – To Dream Of A Bulging Bicep …….

With meltdown restrictions easing so ensues the number of tantalising flyers dropping into our mailbox, offering all manner of domestic services, meals to take away or eat in, plus numerous financial, funereal and retirement opportunities …………


…… all of which I just tend to chuck in the bin while Nigel, bless him, will diligently pore over …….


…… in particular, this week, the offer of a no contract membership with contactless entry to the newly opened Pure Gym across the other side of town.


Well, who wouldn’t be tempted by the mysteries of self cleaning stations and 2,000L of fresh air flooding into the gym every second, whilst pumping iron like Arnie Schwarzenegger possessed?


Nigel has always had a long felt want for a bulging bicep or two and a well toned and defined set of cuspids ……. but seeing his little face all dreamy and hopeful  ……..


I felt I had to break it to him that given his diminutive size, a full blown gym experience might not really be the safest of places for him. To the uninitiated gym member it would be soooooooooo easy to simply miss the little fella on a bench, in full and robust squat thrust mode …….


…….. for terrible consequences to ensue of a sat upon and squashed type nature.


I have advised him that a small can of beans (or spaghetti hoops even) is more than enough to help keep him fit and fulfil his musclebound  dreams …….


……… and perhaps if he spoke to him nicely, Darrell might even act as his coach and chief water bottle passer………