Monday, 28 February 2022

A New Culinary Delight?

A poster in the Evesham’s Art Deco cinema window caught Nigel’s eye while he was on the school run  …….

Licorice Pizza 1

Now, though he very much enjoys a pizza (usually a meaty feast or pepperoni special), not to mention the odd liquorice lace, twist or pipe ………

Licorice Pizza..

…… however never, in his expert epicurean opinion, should the twain ever, ever, ever meet!

LIcorice Pizza .

A very questionable comestible to say the least, which on this occassion, I definitely don’t think he will be pleading with Darrell to prepare for our delectation …….. a unfettered case of no nom nom!

Friday, 25 February 2022

Nigel, Triumphant Once Again …….. On Finding A Marmite Tin!

Nigel is still very much on the look out for commemorative coronation or jubilee tranklements of yore for our Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea in the local charity shops of Evesham, sadly, there was nothing doing of this type nature yesterday morning when he went mooching ………. BUT ……..

Marmite Storage Tin

……. look what the little fella did find!  Only a tin emblazoned with a wonderous Marmite jar, our very most savoury spread of choice …….

Marmite Storage Tin.JPG.

You’d have thought he’d stumbled upon the holy grail, his little face beaming from ear to ear, his eyes gleaming with unfettered joy ………..

WHat A Hero

“It’s truly the most perfect ever storage vessel for our evening televisual treats” he declared, “ …..bought for the princely, but still considered sum of just £1!”

Marmite Storage Tin ...

Said tin was quickly filled with whatever comestible nibbles he could find to try it out for size…….. he was soooooooo proud!, I thought he might spontaneously combust, but I have to admit it is rather lovely!

Thursday, 24 February 2022

The Jolly Green …… Banana?

We all very much enjoy a good banana, eaten on it’s own, in a sandwich with peanut butter or with hot custard with chocolate buttons sprinkled on the top ……….


…… however, it looks as it we are going have to steal ourselves of such pleasures for a little while because the small bunch of six that arrived with our Tesco order this morning are very much on the hard and very green side!

Green Bananas Tesco

It’s such a pain, Darrell’s banana custard is always an absolute triumph when made with an optimally ripe banana, so I’ve told him that in future, I think we ought to buy said fruit in person from now on, so we can have a cheeky little feel (if necessary) and chose bananas, in real life, that are in our preferred state of ripage,

Green Bananas

Goodness only knows when these will be ready to be dolloped of custard!!!

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Serious View Envy

Darrell had to nip to Flat 61, at the top floor of The Towers with a parcel we’d signed for for the lovely Georgia who had been at work and while he was there it would have looked most rude not to pop in for five minutes for a little block gossip!


As none of us have ever been invited “properly” into said flat, it would have also been rude for Darrell not to avail himself of the view ………


That was a huge mistake …… as Darrell found himself totally consumed by a view envy so huge that he thought he might have to sit down as he looked down and over the whole of the marina, its boats and its basins.  It was almost too impossibly romantic for him to take it all in.


I believe when he had composed himself suitably, he said that if Georgia should ever consider moving or contemplate a flat swap she must promise to offer us first refusal! What he like?  However, I think he may have perhaps overlooked in his enthusiasm my occasional dodgy knee, going out to the bins, how we'd get our Tesco order etc. up three flights of stairs and the prospect of Nigel continually sliding down the banisters …… romantic though the vista might appear!

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

If Only ….. He Could Just Open It …….

Nigel thought he might try an energy drink to help fortify and vitalize the school run, especially the long, dark, last lap back to the Towers.

Rokit Fuel Energy Drink.

His “fortification” of choice, the dubiously named, 100% au natural “rockit fuel”.

Rokit Fuel Energy Drink

However, there was just one small problem ……..


…….. only being a little fella ………

Rocket Fuel Energy Drink..

…… trying to get the ring pull to “pull” totally sapped said little fella’s  energy!  What are we going to do with him? Next time (as he bought 2) Darrell or I have promised to open the can for him, because yesterday it was hard to tell if it had worked or not, due to him being pretty depleted before he’d even started!

Monday, 21 February 2022

Darrell’s New Mug From B & M

Our very lovely neighbour Kata bought Darrell a new mug, because she said  it just made her smile and think of him …….

I Can't Be Truested in B & M Mug

To be honest, I don’t think either of them can be trusted in B & M, believe me, they can both trill on for absolute hours about the latest product and fragrance they’ve found in every growing Fabulosa aisle .

I can't be trusted in B & M Mug.

In my day, there was just Ajax, Vim and Miracle Acdo, none of this Pink Is Life, Opulence, Rainbow Drops, Midnight Locust Lotus, Unicorn Poop and Monkey Dust ……

I can't be trusted in B & M Mug ..

……… I made the last two up, but I think you get my drift.  They are obsessed!

Friday, 18 February 2022

Darrel Finally Joins The Coronation Club

Darrell returned home from the weekly fruit and veg shop in jubilant and buoyant mood, as he’d also made a most excellent extra, not all that considered, purchase ……..


…… to wit an original, real life, pressed glass, antique, coronation ash tray for our Platypus Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June. Finally, after several weeks of mooching he was able to join The Towers Coronation Club, after finding his first souvenir for the princely sum of 50p.


To be honest, without daring to say anything, at first glance, the image of an ashtray (coronation or not) sat sitting on our celebratory tea table didn’t quite conjure the most romantic of images ……..

Queens Coronation Glass Ashtray

…… however, on this occassion I had completely overlooked Darrell’s impeccable designer flair for the “different”

Coronation Ashtray 1953

……. this, he announced with great artistic flurry, was the most perfect little accoutrement in which to put the butter curls to go with our English strawberry and cream scones, genius!

Elizabeth R Coronation Ashtray

For someone who would have loved and embraced the opportunity to be finished off properly at an exclusive Swiss Finishing School, but never had the means or funds the boy’s a natural Constance Spry!

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Nigel Enjoys The Lardy Pleasures of Huffkins

Nigel and Lu popped over to Cheltenham yesterday for little charity shop therapy and well…… when in Cheltenham, it would just be plain rude not to also partake in a small treat from their bakery and café of choice Huffkins ………

Huffkins Cheltenham

…….. with both indulging in a cheeky latte and a mahoooooosive warmed up lardy cake each.

Lardy Cake

Let’s just say it did not disappoint, and neither did the rather large box of six Nigel bought home for us to share, bless him.

Warmed Up Lardy Cake

Later the little fella decide that it might be wise to perhaps forego his regular as clockwork nightly bath in favour of a shower on this occassion, for fear of sinking unceremoniously beneath his usual mountain of bubbles,  as he felt just a tad weighed down by all the rich cake he’d joyously consumed that day.  What is he like?

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

We’re Being To Be Cut Off ……..

This morning, we had a letter of very great import, informing us that between the hours of 8.30 and 18.30 on 22nd February we are going to be completely cut off from the world, civilisation and electricity,for essential maintenance type purposes, not a single kilowatt will pass through The Towers for at least 12 hours

gtc advanced power cut warning.

Poor Darrell, I thought I might have to get him a paper bag to breath into as he read it ….. and when he had finally composed himself, he was straight up to town to buy as many flasks as he could get his hands on in order that “we should be able sustain ourselves” with soup, coffee and tea and if he can find any of those food thermos thingys he said he will be cooking, in bulk, the night before “we went under”.


He also muttered something about hot water bottles, extra blankets, thermal underwear, pasta and toilet rolls ………..

gtc advanced pwer cut warning

He has charged Nigel, who thinks it might be best to stay in bed all day with his sudoku where at least it will be warm, with topping up everything, phones, tablets, the computer etc, so there’s a power surge waiting to happen and then doing a full and robust inventory of our battery tin and replenishing if necessary. However, on the plus side, Darrell is not at all concerned about our candle situation, we have more than enough, it being our preferred romantic lighting of choice during the long, dark nights of winter.

Advanced power cut warning

As for the fridge/freezer, Darrell says no one is to touch them after he has taken what he needs from them the day before.  They will be put on the highest setting possible ……….


……. and as an extra precaution he’s planning on sealing them with duct tape, he’s got a years worth of stewed apple, among other things, in the freezer and can’t, neigh won’t, risk any defrostage!  What  on earth is he like?  Next Tuesday is going to be very, very interesting!

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

A Dagger Through The Heart .........

Yesterday, the school run turned out to be the day Nigel had perhaps dreaded most as a diligent and much devoted uncle, when Iris ran out of school in buoyant mood, saying that Harley had told her that he had put, or “snook” as Nigel described, something in her backpack ……. not able to contain herself until they got home, Iris’s backpack was duly opened, there and then ………


…… to reveal a wonderous pink necklace and bracelet with huge heart pendant and charm. Iris, at this stage, according to Nigel, was “all aglow with excitement”, but Nigel, despite the outward appearance of surprise and joy at being witness to such a lovely and generous gift, said (dramatically), that he felt as if a dagger had been thrust into his heart. 


WHO was this HARLEY?


When Nigel got back to The Towers, I quickly administered hot chocolate and Hob Nobs to help calm the little fella down, reassuring him that this was just Iris’s (and for that matter Nigel’s) very first taste of playground puppy love ……. and no, I definitely did not think that any questions needed to be asked in Parliament!


No one ever told him that being an uncle would not be without it’s “moments”.  I feel his pain!

Monday, 14 February 2022

Blessed In A Truly Hello Magazine Type Way

You find us, this wonderous Valentine’s morn in romantic and blessed in a Hello Magazine type way mood ……..

Freixenet Prosecco

We feel soooooooooooooooo loved, it’s been almost too emotional for words, but I’ll try! Hugh, Darrell’s best friend and mentor in all things “toujours l’amour” had sent over some some posh Prosecco and heart shaped chocolates…… and then Nigel found an unexpected padded envelope in our mailbox …..


………. that contained a small, delicately wrapped package ……..


……. accompanied by a card containing a versed message.


We have a strong suspicion as to who  it may be from ….. a certain No.1 fan who is known for her published poetic leanings …….. but on a day when it is customary for the sender of cards and/or gift to remain incognito, it would be rude to reveal all today

Simon Coll Xocolaters.JPG..Simon Coll Xocolaters

In the delicate, ribbon bound package we found a bar of romantically wrapped chocolate for each of us, of which we fully intend to savour right down to the last crumb, while watching a slushy rom com, which Darrell is charged with sorting out for tonight.

Surprise Valentines Gift

There was also something else, something very special …… only a silver (plated) teaspoon to use during our “in the planning” celebratory Queen’s Platinum Jubilee tea. 

Vintage Silver Jubilee teaspoon

It was indeed “exquisite”, all we could do for a while was simply stare at it and then ooooo and ahhhh, it was so beautiful and a little bit spooky as there was no way that “she who remains anonymous today” could have known that spoons spanning the key moments in our beloved Queen’s reign were next on our list when out charity shop mooching. 

Silver Jubilee Spoon

Never in his wildest dreams did Nigel (or for that matter Darrell or I) ever dream that he’d be dolloping his jam or cream onto his regal scone with an engraved and orb embellished teaspoon!

Blessed Hello Magazine

What can we say but a mahoooooosive THANK YOU …….. as I said earlier, it’s been a very, very emotional morning, with not a little stifled sniffing.  What are we like?

Happy Valentine’s Day

Friday, 11 February 2022

Not As Good As The Olden Days …..

Since Nigel has been a “Helping Hand” at Iris and Bertie’s school he has noticed something that has quite taken the wind out of his sails ……..

School Paper Towels

……. to wit, the quality of paper towels has gone down substantially since our halcyon days at The Girls High School.


What he now has to dry his hands on, he says, are thin, flimsy and a sorry shadow of those he used to use six or so years ago.

School Paper Towels..

He’s taken it very much to heart, forget about who had a party at No.10 and partook in cheese, wine and/or cake, questions about the state of paper towels in our schools today need to be asked in Parliament.  What is he like?