Nigel has often been hung on tales of the joys of a good olden day Jumble Sale, the pleasure of the rummage, long before the era of the Car Boot and Charity Shop, but as they are a bit of a rarity these days he’d never actually been to a real life one ………

…….. so when he saw a big banner in town advertising one, well, there was no way he wasn’t going to be there.
Darrell and I helped arm him with a bundle of carrier bags and an ample pocket of small change, but even we didn’t really know what awaited the little fella. In our day, things were usually priced in pence, but for good measure we also made sure he had plenty of pound coins just in case inflation had also hit jumbling over the passing years.

To our recollection the Jumble Sales of yore were held in musty Church/Village/School Halls, but it seems that Nigel’s sale was far, far more romantic than that, being in the actual church itself, now, does the setting for a good, old furtle get any betterer than that?

It was also very well organised, with defined areas for all the different categories of wares on sale.

It wasn’t too busy either, Nigel had arrived a little late as we’d warned him that from past experience sometimes there can be a bit of a scrum for “the gud stuff” at the very start, so he found he was able to turn over and browse without any elbowing and in turn made some most excellent and very useful purchases, which he proudly showed off when he got back home.………
….. to wit, a set of three brand new, still tagged, storage bags, perfect for all our planned (and unplanned) holidays and long weekends away for just 50p and an unopened/unused Avon beach wrap also 50p, which he then passed on to an equally thrilled Darrell, who’d had one on his shopping list for our next Greek Odyssey! How spooky and fortuitous was that?

However, his best buy had to be the handmade, patchwork Advent calendar which both he and Darrell sat stroking in admiration for ages, for one single pound.
They are already thinking of filling it with small trinkets and fairings to then gift it to Hugh (Darrell’s best friend and connoisseur of all things festive and handcrafted) for the Advent season of 2023.
Nigel may not have returned with the bulging, bin bags of yester year, as we’d first anticipated, but was nevertheless extremely proud and happy with all his considered purchases ……. but now he is absolutely desperate to find another one that he can drag both Darrell and I too, what is he like?