Wednesday 14 April 2021

Finding Faces In Things ……..

Thank goodness the restrictions of a meltdown type nature are being slowly eased as I think we really need to gradually unshackle ourselves from the confines of a lockdown Towers and get back to the “real” world ………


…… because Darrell appears to have come down with a case of face pareidolia ………..


……. to wit the phenomenon of seeing faces in everyday objects!


Yesterday, while mopping the floor in our kitchen area he excitedly exclaimed that he had “found” Zippy from Rainbow in one of the planks

Zippy from Rainbow

Now, I will admit there is a resemblance ………


……… but I really don’t want to go down that path …….


Nigel is very susceptible to this sort of thing and before we know it goodness only knows who he’ll see in his cornflakes, clouds or anything if encouraged! I really need to get this one nipped in the bud touts de suite!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Zippy, as drawn by Edvard Munch, of "The Scream" fame?