Yesterday, Nigel and Lu decided to have a day out, taking in a couple of local garden centres and a slice or two of coffee and walnut cake with their afternoon tea, when they happened upon a car boot sale, well, as Nigel said, it would have been rude not to avail themselves of just a tiny mooch.
However, it was quite late and within a few minutes of them excitedly getting out of the car it soon became apparent that the stallholders had started to pack away. Nigel said at that point his heart sank as he and Lu love a thronging car boot sale, never knowing what they are going to happen up, but things were far from thronging.
It all sounded like very slim pickings with Nigel only spending, thirty of his well considered pence …….
……. however, he returned to The Towers with treasures abounding, as it seems that by that stage said stallholders were giving stuff away, rather than having to cart it all back home again.
Nigel’s well considered 30p went of a real life Royal Worcester dish featuring a bunch of asparagus, bought with Darrell in mind to serve our posh vegetable of choice, which is currently very much in season at the moment.

The dish had been reduced from 50 to 30p, so it was a no brainer for the little fella, admittedly the romantic gold edging was almost gone from round the edges, but it was still soooooo meant to be …….

……. of a spooky, late, great Derek Acorah type way, even the design was called Evesham.
Needless to say, Darrell was thrilled.
And the free stuff? ……. Well, Nigel said that by that stage he wasn’t too proud to accept a “free gift” or rummage through, one or two of the boxes scattered around the field if there was something interesting lying on the top ……. so there was a kitsch George at Asda decorative wall plate, produced in 2018, so almost an antique, that he thought Hugh, Darrell’s best friend and mentor of all things a la mode and de rigueur might appreciate for his select Worcester retreat.
Then there was a really ancient and cracked tureen type thing but exactly the sort of thing that Darrell had been looking for to replant his cactuses in, the lid was surplus, but Darrell said, for free, it was perfect.
And finally the definitive piece of resistance ……….
A Sainsbury’s biscuit tin in the guise of a peacock patterned Christmas tree, the perfect colours for either of our bedrooms when Darrell is putting together all the frou frou for his festive décor ……… let’s just say it was emotional and Nigel “dun gud” on just 30p!