While in Devon, Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie has set their hearts on the pleasures of Sootyland (at Crealy Theme Park) ……….

…….. after Tom The Scientist introduced them to the old programmes he found on YouTube, that he used to watch and had fond memories of when he was little.

Auntie Lulu had all of the puppets right until she/we moved until we put them on eBay, so they are still hopefully around somewhere and probably now classed as vintage/retro.

Needless to say they are now totally love all the characters, both having a lovely, innocent sense of humour, getting all the jokes and silliness!

All the old stage sets and props were just too wonderful for words and bought about many oooooo ahhhhh moments. Lulu wondered at the bathroom set most, where Sweep got his toe stuck in the tap, everything really was real!

Then, there was the show in the big top, with MUCH audience participation, where Nigel was just as excited and involved as Lulu and their young charges!
Being a theme park there were also lots of rides, on which, after a while, poor Nigel began to regret having such a hearty holiday breakfast, but says somehow, though he doesn’t quite know how he did it, managed to keep hold of it for fear of spoiling his beloved niece and nephew’s much anticipated and planned day out.

The highlight of the whole day however was undoubtedly the Sooty meet and greet …..

…..let’s just say it was EMOTIONAL, very emotional ………
……. Nigel says he doesn’t know how he kept it together, a bit like his breakfast!

And then, before they left, there was naturally the obligatory visit to the gift shop to spend their pocket money …….
When they came away, Tom the Scientist had made Nigel promise, NO more soft toys ……….
….. which, in all the excitement, just happened to slip his mind …….. oooooops! What is Uncle Nigel like? Hopefully, questions will not have to be asked in Parliament!