Friday 28 August 2020

Some Very Exciting News

As soon as Nigel burst in from his few days in Malvern with Lucy the first thing he wanted to know was what was happening to our/his bridge. I thought he might go bang he was so excited, so, we got out the letter we had received from Network Rail ….. and at that point I had to tell him to take a breath and calm down.


It appears that Network Rail will working on the bridge during the day until 21st October, starting from next week and more exciting than that, for Nigel at least, all through the nights at weekends ……. which means, I think, “Pont éclairé la nuit”!  I am just glad we all sleep at the front of The Towers as it might get a tad noisy at times and the presence of floodlights may not be all that conducive to a good nights sleep, if indeed Nigel can steal himself away from the window.  I will wait until after our first weekend and then see if the considered purchase of ear plugs and eye masks will be needed.


I am not sure how many times Nigel read the letter but he says he needs a compass,  as there were a lot of north, south, east and wests in the letter and to be honest we are all complete strangers to directions, other than left and right.


Darrell and I think that a lot of the work will be based on the west side (?) of the bridge, opposite us, next to the marina, which, if we are right, means that we live on the east side (fingers crossed), so Nigel will have to watch developments from afar, rather than actually being able to get up close and personal with all the workers.


…….. but that hasn’t stopped him from wondering where on earth we put his hard hat and hi-viz jacket when we moved.  Heaven help us, this could be quite an adventure!


Mr.D said...

Nigel's hard hat and hi-viz jacket? I suspected as much, when, yesterday, I guessed, about these very two items.

Anonymous said...

Oh interesting goings on...JantheFan x