Darrell says Hugh has been practising for a “possible” debut foray into the Worcestershire Village Show Circuit ……..
…….. with a composition called ……. “What Lies Beneath”
…… and has made Darrell take pictures of it from every conceivable angle so that he can critique it and then tweak the “concept” for said debut!
Darrell has confessed that he was not too sure about Hugh’s creation, a veritable cornucopia of home grown garden produce it may well be, but when all is said and done “what lies beneath” is still rather ugly, misshapen and over grown courgette ………

……. and he had questioned in his mind whether “these village judge type people” are quite ready for Hugh and his creations!
Fortunately, as it turned out, Hugh had had second thoughts too and wasn’t sure how his overt showbiz tendencies would go down at the local village fete either ……
…… so, with the summer sangria flowing, in erm ……. great abundance, he decided that he and Darrell should make an exhibition of themselves instead ……..
……. with all the typical Hugh and Darrell dreams and aspirations …….. but, in the privacy of their own back yard, and for their eyes only!!!!

Heaven help me …….. what do they look like?????