Monday 20 May 2019

Another Year To Wait Until Eurovision 2020

What can we say, except that Saturday night and our most favourite televisual event of the year, the Eurovision Song Contest was just tooooooooooooooo tooooooooo wonderful for words .......... it was everything we hoped for and more. It was emotional, but there again it always is, not only for the contestants but also for us, there are always a few muffled sniffs.  All I can say is thank goodness for the very ample mugs of Horlicks presented to us before we each wended our way to bed from Hugh's "man that does", before he finished his evening shift. I am sure they helped us all massively to calm down after all the rampant excitement of the evening.
What no pictures? Sorry but no, as we are still very much guests of Hugh at Le Chicken Coop, where internet access, as it's out in the wilds, isn't that brilliant at the best of times ...... and, to be honest, it would just look downright rude if we started to pore over our laptop while Hugh is entertaining us in his usual flamboyant Hello Magazine type way, so, if it's OK with you, we will be posting our post Eurovision analysis and our weekend together when we get home ........ 


Mr.D said...

Eurovision and Hugh, both at the same time. What more could one want?

CraftyCoffey said...

Looking forward to seeing all the photos once you’re back at home.


Mr.D said...

We look forward to further posts.