Friday 11 December 2020

Goodwill Toward Men …….?????

Much as Nigel loves the school run, there is just one tiny little fly in his ointment of joy, that being the self distanced queue outside the gates of Bertie’s school before the bell goes.


Now, the little fella leaves The Towers a good forty five minutes ahead of time and when he joins the line he is generally in about fifth/sixth  position ……


…… but as time goes by finds himself moving further and further away from the front ……. the reason?


…….. podgers or queue jumpers …… in fact, the lady in front of Nigel was joined by “two friends” as our illustrative photos were being taken ……. and that’s not to mention the others who snook in nearer the front. 


It has to be said that it’s starting to niggle the little fella just a tad, being on a very tight schedule to then pick up Iris another ten minutes away. Nigel’s usually sooooooo easy going, so such feelings don’t sit well with him, especially in the season of goodwill to all men.

Darrell says that he should simply re-podge the podgers when the queue begins to move …… Nigel’s not so sure, questions, he thinks, should be asked in Parliament on his behalf …… re: guidance for Covid queuing ……. poor Nigel, what is he like?


Mr.D said...

Podging is very poor form.

This is very common, in Mexico too. As is saving as many seats as needed, at concerts, where tickets aren't numbered. One person arrives early and saves, perhaps, ten seats. If many people do it, Mexico, we have a problem.

P.S. The word podger, is a new one on me, apart from the very fine violinist, Rachel Podger.

CraftyCoffey said...

Perhaps young Nigel could have some help and send an email to the head teacher explaining the queueing system isn’t working (& why) so the Head could send an official email out??

Anonymous said...

CraftyCoffey I think that is an excellent idea to send a letter to the head teacher. There is ALWAYS someone who pushes the boundaries - I'm with you young Nige. JantheFan x