Tuesday 21 December 2021

Darrell, Down To The Very Last Detail ……..

With all the news of a new covid variant we’ve, to be honest, remained pretty calm, after all we are pretty much jabbed up to the eye balls and have never given up wearing “the mask”, so I was a little surprised when Darrell suddenly looked up from reading his interior design bible, Kelly Hoppen Close Up and gasped “Loo roll!”. 


Now, we didn’t panic buy loo roll last time there was panic buying of a loo roll type nature, so I sort of guessed that perhaps Darrell wasn’t feeling quite as calm about the covid situation as was he making out to be ……. and this was his way of expressing it.


So, I just let him go as he grabbed his coat, saying that he was just nipping up to the retail park for a couple of things and that he wouldn’t be long.


I needn’t have worried, he returned  to The Towers about forty minutes later in jubilant mood, proudly holding aloft a four pack of very tasteful (and soft) holly and other festive foliage bedecked Marks and Spencer loo roll, explaining that in all the excitement of decking our halls, it was the one thing he had unbelievably forgotten, but seeing Kelly Hoppen’s bathrooms had suddenly jolted his memory, bless him.


With Darrell it’s all about the detail, where would we be without him?

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Well done Darrell - still in plenty of time.