Wednesday 3 April 2019

When Does A Puddle Become A Pond?

The owners of the yard under the bridge at the top of our estate spent a quite a bit of time and effort in the autumn filling in all the large pot holes where the ducks liked to congregate after any particularly abundant showers of rain.
Unfortunately, despite the owners best efforts it seems that said pot holes have only gone on to reappear further up under the bridge, greatly increasing in size at the same time, to now form more of a pond than a puddle.  So far the ducks haven’t seem to have noticed it yet ……..
…… however if Nigel knows his ducks like he says knows his ducks it’s only a matter of time before they do and they descend upon it.

Needless to say one of us will be down there with our camera to capture the proceedings as soon as they do.  I wonder what would happen if a fish catching bird doesn't accidentally drop it's live tea in there ......... now that really would make it a pond!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

It looks like a pond to me.