It has to be said that, so far, there’s been very little to see along the river as far as work on the bridge is concerned, it seems that most of said work is occurring on ‘tuther side ……. but, we do have a very smart shipping lane for all the barges, boats and swimmers, (yes, they are still at it), where it seems now to be de rigueur to sound their horns as they pass through (…. but not the swimmers Mr. D).
It also has to be said that the first fence Network Rail erected to close off the path (at the bottom of our bank) was a bit of a disaster and swiftly dismantled, almost within a day, by walkers and/or fishermen who found it an encumbrance to their enjoyment of the river!

However, yesterday there was much activity and soon became obvious that this time Network Rail meant business, a whole triangle of fences, robustly put together, according to Nigel, including the addition of a huge padlock and chain to allow the workers themselves to get in and out if need be …….
…… and then, after Nigel went down to inspect their work and see what he could see beyond (which was absolutely nothing), a large public notice and map highlighting the restricted areas was added, just to make things clear.
So it looks will be no further covert access will be gotten ……..

……. and the path has been very quiet since, helped, no doubt, by Darrell doing his civic duty by putting said developments on the Spotted in Evesham Facebook page to help prevent anyone having a wasted meander.

Now, although we’ve seen little action on our side of the bridge, it doesn’t mean that we haven’t heard anything (well, apart from all the boat honking), trust us, there’s noise, but we just can’t identify it. It sounds as if they are demolishing the whole of Evesham, like mini earthquakes, although, to date, we have not experienced any effects of a tsunami type nature on the river …… yet!!!!
There is a scrap metal yard up the road with lorries unloading, usually in the mornings, but although we can hear it, certainly not on this level of decibelship ………
…….. therefore we have nominated Nigel to explore what’s going on, if possible, by following the path that goes round the back of the bridge to see, if possible, what the kerfuffle is all about! We will, indeed, keep you informed ………