Thursday 11 March 2021

Returning To A New Normal

Well, Nigel’s first rota-ed school run since meltdown was, naturally emotional with so many days lost, but nether the less, it was wonderful to feel a little bit of normality slowly creep back into our lives.


I knew he was a apprehensive by the number of nervous wees he had before he eventually set out, in fact I insisted he took a drink with him as I was frightened he might come over all dehydrated before he’d even got to the school gates. 


But once he was there and joined the familiar, safe distanced queue  at around fifteenth position he says he started to chill, despite ending up at around twenty-fifth position with all the illicit queue jumping when said gates were finally opened!  It made him smile, it felt familiar and ordinary …….. and anyway, they would get a shock one day when he would be at the front, even if it meant he would have to start out extra, extra early!  What is he like?


Back in December the trees were bare and gardens bereft of colour, now the trees were in full blossom and bulb spotting was de rigueur, but the great clumps of mistletoe were still hanging from the branches of some trees, perhaps minus their berries, but still a perfect excuse for a few kisses underneath to say I love you.


There were yellow cars to yell “yellow car” whenever you saw one, old familiar tree stumps to jump up and down from or sit a little while on, plus all those lines of manhole or meter covers to leap across ….. not to mention those pudgy little hands patting Uncle Nigel’s pockets to check to see if he had bought them a few treats “to help keep their energy up” on their walk.


It felt soooooooooooo good, when home schooling seemed a million miles away and his head didn’t hurt anymore!  Happy days!


Mr.D said...

Great. But - back to normal? As before, when is life ever normal, with Nigel involved?

Mr.D said...

P.S. Nether the less? Less, in the nether regions? Oh, no. :)