Tuesday 12 March 2019

Returning To The Bosom ……

Nigel is coming home ……. returning to the bosom of his family ………
……  and in turn bidding a fond farewell to Exmouth, Manor Hotel and the party of Twitchers.
He says he will miss gazing out to the beautiful sea view from his room …….
…….. especially at night when the myriad of multicoloured lights along the prom made it all look soooooooo very romantic …….
……. but absence has made the heart grow fonder, and though he had a yen for the sea, Nigel admitted that he had soon found himself pining for the familiarity of our view of the river, the marina and his beloved swans.
One more sleep and he’d be home, his self imposed exile in Exmouth over ……..
……. and the prospect of being able to avail himself of a functioning hot shower ……in a newly tiled, de rigueur cubicle ……. with a waste that didn’t leak everywhere  ……. well, that was just the icing on the cake. All mention of hot tubs was forgiven and forgotten and the subject banished from any of our debates, heated or otherwise  ……. forever! 


CraftyCoffey said...

I’ll bet Nigel can’t wait to return home & try out the newly fitted En Suite shower-let hope he doesn’t stay in there too long & end up looking like a prune!


Mr.D said...

"Nigel is coming home ……. returning to the bosom of his family."

And a fine bosom it is, too.