Tuesday 4 June 2019

Hugh Has A Small Gift For Darrell

It was Hugh's turn to give presents when he got in from work yesterday, it was, in part, in celebration, of him finally being able to secure a very famous name he'd been chasing to host the up and coming show he'd been working on.  He was in very bouyant mood.
So,  knowing how Darrell had listened so intently in open mouthed wonder as he'd told him how anything of a zebra type nature was the "must have" in the world on interior design this year, he thought he'd find Darrell a little bit of zebra of his own to ensure that The Towers was not to be found wanting as to the latest trends.
Let's just say it was emotional ............. there were a few tears  .......
.......... all Darrell could do was gaze at and lovingly stroke his little piece of zebra and start to plan where he was going to display it to its best advantage and as Hugh had intended to show that The Towers was just as en trend as even, perhaps, Her Royal Highness Donatella Versace.


Mr.D said...

What a great gift. The zebra looks so flat, it could pass as a zebra crossing.

Anonymous said...

I'm liking it! JantheFan x