Tuesday 4 February 2020

Snickers/Marathons Of An Exotic Type Nature.

Darrell came home yesterday in quite a state of flux as he'd found some exotic sounding Polish Snickers/Marathon bars while out mooching in town.
The names on them intrigued us all, especially after the name change debacle we mentioned back in November 2019 -  http://mumsmonkey.blogspot.com/2019/11/whats-in-name-marathon-snickers.html
So Darrell got on the tinterent to see if he could translate them but sadly with very little initial success, however Darrell is nothing but tenacious and then switched his search from text to images,  where he fared a little better when he found an awful lot of Instagram pictures featuring people looking either very excited or rather deflated with their Snickers/Marathons in hand .....
This spurred him on to delve even further, bless him, finding this poster 
......... which invites citizens of Poland to "choose one of the available descriptions of hunger symptoms i.e Fochmen, Princess, etc ..."  on the packaging and then take a picture that best illustrates them in that condition.
Unfortunately, Darrell's research could take him no further ....... we still don't know what fochmen or Maruder actually mean, other than possibly being a slang type word that is more familiar to Polish people rather than an online translator ..... but we will stand corrected should anyone tell us otherwise (Mr D?) and for that reason our pictures will reflect our puzzlement rather than any feeling of hunger.
But, how did they taste I hear you ask.  Well, we first found that there were two Fochmen/Maruders within each wrapping, which was exciting  .........
....... however, after that they tasted exactly the same as our own home grown versions i.e nom nom nom ........ although, I have to be honest, I am not that overly keen on nut laden confectionery myself as said nuts do have a tendency to get stuck between my teeth, which I am not too keen on!


Mr.D said...

I accepted you challenge, and failed miserably.

I had no joy in trying to translate Fochmen/Maruder. Maruder is an uncommon surname, in the USA. Other than that, no joy.

Anonymous said...

My New Year diet is wavering boys....what with pork scratchings and now choccy bars....what is a girl to do? JantheFan x