Tuesday 11 February 2020

Storm Ciara

I am afraid that yesterday the news that packs of Mint Malteser Buttons will be available in all good retailers from March 9th slightly overshadowed Storm Ciara ....... what are we like? 
Needless to say, the storm did indeed hit our little part of Evesham, leaving us glued to the window (metaphysically speaking, naturally) for much of the day to observe the drama.
Let's just say that there really were real waves with white horses on the river  ........ which was truly a sight to behold and though our pictures just don't convey the tempest tossed waters, there is no way we would have wanted to have been aboard any of the barges that are moored on the bank opposite us as they really were being rocked by the swell........
........ in fact poor Darrell, ever the martyr to any movement of an undulating type nature had to take several motion pills, as well as donning sea sickness bands on both his wrists and ankles in order to continue watching.
However, through it all there was a heroic fishing match being contested at the bottom of the bank, right to the bitter end no one was giving up until the barely audible claxon was sounded for the weigh in, when we could clearly see, despite the inclement weather several nets of fish had been caught.
We can only applaud the fishermen's perseverance and determination against the elements and the outstanding performance of their waterproof clothing. It has to be said that we wouldn't even venture out to put our rubbish in the bins.

From experience we have learned that the effects of the storm may not impact on the river for a day or two ....... we are expecting it to rise ..... and so will keep you informed! 


Mr.D said...

White horses reminded me of the old TV programme, but mum is far too young to remember it!

Who remembers this?


At least storm names are not sexist, with only female names. They now alternate between male and female.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr D - you are taking me way back with that link. Lovely song it was too. Hope you are all safe there in the Towers! JantheFan x