Tuesday 9 May 2023

OMG …… At Last, It’s Eurovision Week

Well, with the seats in Westminster Abbey still warm after the Coronation, there’s no rest for the wicked as we, Chez Towers, are now in full blown Eurovision Week mode.


We’d never really given up on to the hope that we might actually get to be there in real life, so when we heard that they were releasing a final batch tickets Darrell was back online like the wind ……..


…… but although he got through with very little trouble, we had to be sensible, we could have an extra Greek Odyssey in September for the prices they were asking …… so although the tickets were in our basket a couple of times, in the end we just couldn’t press the “pay now” button …… £210 x 3 for a restricted view …….. as compared to the unfettered vista of the Aegean Sea from a sunbed, another year perhaps.


However, it goes without saying that we’ve been spending most of our spare time getting to know all the runners and riders in this years competition, so on Sunday in the after glow of said coronation, we decided to have a final re-run of all the songs in the semi finals …….


…… and then wrote down the 10 countries from each, who we thought would make it to the Grand Final ………


…….. and then, on another sheet of paper and adding  the automatic “Big Five” to the mix, we selected the countries we thought would be in the Top 10 at the end of all the contest.


The debate, as you can imagine was intense, so just this once, we gave up all idea of a full on Sunday roast in exchange for a sandwich and cake type cold tea.


With the first semi final tonight, tomorrow we will reveal how many we got right and will do the same on Friday morning after the second semi final.  However, our Top Ten is in a sealed envelope …….. and will remain a mystery until Sunday morning.  As I have said a couple of times already, we might just spontaneously combust with excitement.  What are we like?


Mr.D said...

£210 x 3 for a restricted view? Very steep. Never mind. At least, on the telly, you won't have an unrestricted view. Any chance Hugh will have some spare tickets?

Enjoy the week. With your possibility of spontaneous combustion, due to the excitement, I suggest a fire extinguisher be on hand, at all times.

Anonymous said...

Wise decision regarding the tickets. Looking forward to hearing if your prediction is correct .


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness - you were right to hold tight to the money, that would pay for another good holiday.
I have been up in Scotland this week so haven't been able to catch up properly with the goings on of the votes in the run up to the big event. JantheFan x