Monday 23 February 2015

Nigel …….. Flying Solo!

The last day of the holidays is always a little fraught, getting our usually robust “ready for work” regime back on track with clothes to lay out and lunchboxes to think about again ……
…… so distracting Nigel by asking him to undertake his first ever solo confectionary review seemed to be the perfect answer to occupy him and contain his erm…… “natural exuberance”!
Sitting him down at our testing table I told him to think very carefully before he awarded any noms and that I trusted him implicitly for a true and fair reflection of his findings.
I knew he was taking it seriously, when I heard him musing that he certainly wouldn’t be awarding any noms until he had tried every single jelly rabbit in the pack …..
…… using his own devised system of testing, The “TAT” Test (Texture, Appearance and Taste) for his considered evaluation.
Texture wise, they certainly didn’t make him squirm like I tend to do just at the mere thought of biting into one!  The jelly he said “ ……was soft as opposed to chewy, unlike some jelly sweets that seem just bounce off your teeth and have to be chewed forever!”
He also decided that they had very cute faces which were not immediately noticeable under their dusting of sugar, but when sucked they did look very much like the faces as illustrated on the packet!
And taste?  Well …….. hard put in words other than nom, nom, nom, right down to the very last one!
So after an hour and a half of tasting with all due diligence M’lud, plus much deliberation and said nomming ….. Nigel finally awarded the Easter Jelly Bunnies 56.756ins on our increasing complicated Richter Scale of Noms!!!


Mr.D said...

That is some nomming.

I reckon I could make a Jelly Rabbit scream:

Anonymous said...

Oh Nigel you do make me laugh!!! JantheFan x
p.s. I'm off to find said pack of Easter Jelly Bunnies - what you Boyz make me do. (she says shaking head)

Anonymous said...

This is very impressive, and professional ......could there be a tv show reviewing foods in the future for dear Nigel?....I would happily watch as Nigel took on all sorts of foods, especially popular prepackaged types.....Nigel did put his whole self into this assignment.....hope he's feeling all right after all that sugar.....Dianne