Wednesday 11 February 2015

The Many Temptations Of Nigel

Despite Nigel’s none French Food Sale debacle, it seems that school is currently awash in a frenzy of fundraising activity, and most of that “frenzy of awash” is of very comestible type nature …… which does not bode well for Nigel and his purse strings!
Tomorrow, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts will be on sale, and Nigel, as are all of us, is exceptionally partial to a said Krispy Kreme Doughnut, but usually we have to travel to Selfridges in Birmingham to obtain and indulge in them, this makes them a rare treat,  a fact that is not lost on Nigel and the thought that we will actually have them in school is almost too much to bear ……
So Nigel’s pound is firmly ready ….. and he is robustly determined to be first in the queue and if he misses out on this opportunity ……. I fear there will be absolutely no doing with him!!!


Anonymous said...

Worry not Nigel - all is not lost - if you miss out on being front of the queue and end up being at the end and there are no more Krispy Kremes to be had - fear not - pop up here - we have an KK outlet just down the hill from us! JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

There is a Krispy Kreme shop near us in Mexico. They can't spell it here either.
I assume it is an American firm and there must be lots near Dianne.
I am not partial to doughnuts, or donuts. Give me tacos every time.

Anonymous said...

Nigel's Krispy Kreme ardor should get him a prime place in line!..hope his doughnut odyssey is the stuff of dreams........most of the Krispy Kreme doughnuts available around here are the boxed ones....not the old Krispy Kreme stores where you could watch them being made ......but I spent the night in one of those when my son was born.....the hospital wanted to send me home but we opted for the nearby Krispy Kreme with all those fresh doughnuts rolling by on a conveyer belt!......Dianne

marc said...

i want ,i need, so go get me them now big showbiz diva sulk Hugh
with that attitude Mr Hugh your be getting none were is the please and thank you, Nigel i hope you get yours big love marc