Tuesday 15 January 2019


Thankfully this collection of dumped supermarket trolleys which caused poor Nigel not a little consternation the other day have since been removed from the bridge at the entrance to our estate
Who on earth dumped them in the first place and then thought it would be a witty touch to use an ill gotten pound, no doubt, to fasten them all  together?
Nigel was not amused and declared that questions would have to be asked in Parliament.  It wasn’t funny and it certainly wasn’t clever.
And …… to add further insult to injury ………….
…….. the council (we think) had only just put a new litter sign up a week or so ago. Poor Nigel.


Mr.D said...

Nigel is cwertainy a solid, upright citizen.

Anonymous said...

Nigel I applaud you - too much of this littering going on. I have just picked up a bag full whilst walking the neighbour's dog. JantheFan x