Monday 7 January 2019

It’s All In The Detail ….. According To Dame Kelly

Hugh gave Darrell  a copy of Kelly Hoppen‘s very glossy book - Close Up - Attention To Detail in Design as a totally unexpected Christmas present.IMG_0256
Whenever I see these him days he always seems to be poring over it  ……… and I swear I have even seen him stroke each page as he turns it.  What on earth is he like?
There is one page in particular he erm ……. drools over …….
…… I’ll confess I have tentatively gone over Dame Kelly’s signature with a moist finger, when Darrell wasn’t looking, it didn’t smudge so I guess it’s not signed in person by the great lady herself, but I am certainly not going to put a dampener on Darrell’s “infatuation”.
However, if he calls me over once more to look at the understated …. yet whimsically romantic way said Dame serves her Turkish Delight …… I just well might!


Mr.D said...

This looks like a great gift, even though, I must admit, Dame Kelly Hoppen hasn't made wer way as far as Mexico. At least, not to my house.

CraftyCoffey said...

I hope you’re all ready for some changes to the decorations & accessories in the flat?!
