Wednesday 2 October 2019

Pink And Orange Smarties

It's that time of year when pink and orange Smarties start to appear on the shelves in shops ........
......... which couldn't be more perfect timing as I wanted something to help cheer Darrell up after his disappointing sojourn into the world of home decorating ...... As I told him, there was no shame in getting the professionals in, after all, did he really think Lord Lady Dame Kelly Hoppen had ever donned an all be it a designer bonnet de douche and wield her own paint roller, not on you nellie!!
As soon as I said that I could see the sad little munchkin visibly perk up, especially as I handed him the two tubes of said Smarties at the same time. He was the ideas man added Nigel, so it was only fitting that he remain a stranger to the actual painting of a wall .....  his job was to plump and tweak!. I suspect that such flattery also had something to do with Nigel spying Darrell's said Smarties......... however his kind words still had the desired effect.
Let's just say it was emotional, followed by Smarties all round!


Mr.D said...

Tubes with only pink or orange Smarties? This is news to me. Normal Smarties haven't reached Mexico, as far as I am aware, let alone pink or orange tubesful.

Anonymous said...

Smarities - always good to have a tube or three near at hand - I get quite emotional too at times. JantheFan x