Oh my life …. it’s Christmas morning ……. and Santa’s been ……
……. it’s the most wonderful morning of the year! I believe Nigel woke at 12.15, 1.20, 2.30, 3.00 and finally 4.00, each time claiming that he thought that he had heard someone in the fridge, but Darrell and I, goodness knows how, persuaded him to go back to sleep on each occasion, warning him that Santa might hear us stirring and then not linger.
But he did linger ….. leaving me a pair of very romantic sounding sumptuously soft pillows, I think tonight I will be assured of a very sound and comfy sleep, which considering all Nigel’s restlessness last night is no bad thing!
Santa left Darrell some David Beckham “Homme” in his stocking, in the guise of deodorant and shower gel, with, I think, tears welling Darrell said that if we didn’t mind our traditional bacon and egg baps might be a little delayed as he had a shower calling his name ….. or at least Mr Beckham’s name.

He was so chuffed bless him ……

And finally it was Nigel’s turn …… with a Santa adding a cryptic sort of message on his parcel …….

I have to admit doing a 100 piece jigsaw of a New York with Nigel will certainly be quite adventure ….. for all of us, as Nigel struggles with some of Iris and Bertie’s puzzles, so we decided than rather than start it there and then it might be best to keep it for an quiet afternoon after Christmas, when Darrell and I, feeling mellow, could help him, perhaps over a turkey sandwich, a few Pringles and some pickled onions. This Nigel agreed was an excellent plan, as losing a vital piece of jigsaw in bed would seem a little ungrateful, after all Santa’s careful thought.
And then …. there were presents from Dianne our much beloved fan from very hot and torrid Florida and now a much loved highlight of our festive morning.

For Darrell there was a plaid shirt with matching dickie bow, ooooo la la …….
….. for Nigel new jeans and t-shirt, a much needed gift as the knees in his old jeans have worn right through, although Darrell says this has made Nigel the most fashionable he has ever been and bang en trend!
And for me? A lovely warm fleece, which was just what I needed. It has to be said that when we travel down to Wolverhampton for our traditional family festivities we will give a very good account of ourselves, resplendent in our new clothes, all be looking very, very smart …. Thank you sooooo much Dianne.
But there was more ….. two wristbands with inset diamonds for Darrell and me ……. telling us to “be you”

…… and a real life America tea towel and oven mitt just like they use in Florida over The Holidays, which will make us feel extra special and almost American when Nigel and I assist Darrell when he starts preparing our much anticipated Christmas lunch.

As per usual, it was a very emotional morning, Santa and Dianne dun gud! We hope your Christmas morning was just as lovely and as exciting as ours. xxxxx Happy Christmas each and every one from all of us ….. to all of you xxxxx