Thursday 8 August 2019

A Bit Of A Creepy Present For Darrell

It's always part of any of Darrell's holidays to find at least one "holey" stone to take back with him and, to be honest, I feel that it would be rude to encroach on such a personal tradition, however,  when one almost goes ***e over *** over one, it seemed to me like a spooky sort of an omen, so rather than leave it there on the beach, I decided in the end to take it back to Darrell just this once.
I am generally not that superstitious, but I am really hoping that said spooky omen is a good one because I am not entirely sure about this particular holey stone, on closer inspection it appears rather skull like ...... and not a little sinister
I don't want to put it in my suitcase for it to then unleash some sort of supernatural power in the  hold of the plane because it has been removed from its place of origin!
I think I will risk it, but will wrap it up in my towel so it is slightly smothered, and thus helping to  prevent any unseemly unleashing.  Darrell always says that "hag stones", as they are known, are magical and offer the finder/keeper protection from many, many things, and as he never leaves a beach without one I will trust in his better knowledge and wisdom  .............. and keep my fingers well crossed.


Mr.D said...

Holy moly. Or in this case, holey moly.

Anonymous said...

WoW - JantheFan x