Monday 26 August 2019

There Are Libraries ........ and There Are Libraries........

Who would have ever believed there was such a thing as a chocolate library .........
.......... but trust Nigel for finding it.
Let's just say that after studying all of the titles very, very carefully  ...........
.......... several considered purchases were made!
What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Does the chocolate library use the Dewey Decimal Classification, also known as the Dewey Decimal System? Do they use the ISBN? The International Standard Book Number. Have they developed the ISCN? The International Standard Chocolate Number.

We, the public, have a right to know.

Maybe Nigel will have to return, to find out. And buy more chocolate.

The first people to use chocolate were people here in Mexico, about three thousand years ago.

CraftyCoffey said...

I think I need to visit this Library-looks most interesting!!


Anonymous said...

Oh I need a visit to a Chocolate library - my kinda thing. JantheFan x